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Non-Trashy Recycled and Trash Art

Artists are usually ahead of the curve when it comes to being green.
The artists featured here exclusively use recycled and/or trash to make pieces of contemporary art. These artists practice the art of “upcycling”, or literally turning everyday trash into creative treasures.
While Andy Warhol may have made the idea popular with his famous Campbell’s soup can exhibit, today’s trash artists bring more of an eco street cred to their art.
Some create compositions from recycled plastic bag or themed works for art galleries, while others create entire theme parks with trash, and even furniture from recycled materials.
There seems to be no end to what kind of art you can create with the most cost-effective medium available; trash. Here are some stunning examples of trash art

Tim Nobel & Sue Webster

Tim and Sue met while they were studying Fine Arts in University together. Now they are best known for their art made from trash collected from the London streets, which shows an image when light is projected in front of it.

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