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Location Based Services, How they will change the world as we know it

Location Based Services, (LBS) are a major trend amongst small businesses and large corporations,   the first, are learning at a quite fast pace how important is to be accurately located and to be found by potential customers, the website has proven to be an expensive and time consuming advertising way in a trillion sites cloud, where only the most powerful survive and make real business. Local searches are now the way to focus, and here is where large corporations have shifted their focus on.
The Smartphone and Tablets have kickstarted this new way of marketing our businesses, and numbers prove this is not a fading trend at all, but the way things are going to be from now on.
Users want to find businesses around them, meet friends and locate deals and places while walking or driving, and theis portable devices are there for them at all times, democracy has finally arrived, as what really matters is how close we are to what we need, not so much how much a company has paid on advertising, if one can click to call for a service that is near and provides what is needed there and then the decision is easy to make.
Here's an overview of a few ways location-based data is transforming the mobile ecosystem:

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/location-data-is-transforming-mobile-2013-4#ixzz2SOu7TvyV

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Crea Solutions es una empresa de Consultoría integral tecnológica, especializada en servicios de Realidad Virtual, Aumentada y Mixta, Geolocalización, Producciones Audiovisuales, formación y soluciones de comunicación digital. Fundada por Francis Ortiz en 1999
Expertos en Transformación Digital
Te acompañamos todo el camino hasta mejorar tu estrategia de innovación y rediseñar tu modelo de negocio, te ayudamos a identificar, implantar y aprovechar herramientas que te permitan crecer, mejorar tus beneficios y la calidad de tus servicios.
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Facilitamos a nuestros clientes el acceso a la Tecnología de una forma cercana y directa, basándonos en la relación personal y en la formación de equipos de trabajo mediante los más avanzados sistemas educativos.
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Crea Solutions ofrece diversos cursos especializados, avanzados y de introducción a diversas tecnologías. Colaboramos con Asociaciones Empresariales, Instituciones Públicas, Organizaciones Educativas y Universidades.
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Nuestro lema es "La Tecnología no es nada sin Creatividad" Ofrecemos todo tipo de servicios fotográficos profesionales, Trabajos audiovisuales en Video y Realidad Virtual. Somos Fotógrafos autorizados Street View desde 2012