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Our CEO Francis Ortiz at #Unpacked 2016 and #MWC16

This year, our CEO, Francis Ortiz, and our CIO, Igor Antonov, attended both Unpacked Event and Mobile World Congress, in this occassion, invited by Samsung SEAP, (Samsung Enterprise Alliance Programme)

The SEAP team made CREA Team feel at home during the whole event, and made sure our solution got the best possible exposure both within Samsung Worldwide partners and the companie's C level and VP's, who visited our stand, all of them showing great interest in our UBIKUA platform.

Francis Ortiz and Jonathan Choi, SEAP – Partner Engagement

Unpacked 2016

The start of MWC16 couldn't have been more exciting for us, we were invited to join the exclusive partner area at Unpacked16, a powerful display of Samsung technologies and innovations, presented by Samsung President DJ Koh, and with the unexpected appearance on stage of Mark Zuckerberg.
The Samsung Mobile Flagship S7 was presented, along with the new Samsung Gear VR and the astonishing Samsung 360º VR camera, check the video below.

MWC at Samsung Knox - SEAP

The next days were hectic at our stand, with over 200 visitors from all over the world, the amount of new partners, deals and future distribution partnerships were astonishing, we managed to showcase our products and success stories to the highest ranks of Samsung, which is key to leverage our UBIKUA platform and solutions through the massive Samsung Parnter Network.

DJ Koh at our Stand

Samsung VP's checking our solutions briefs

Many high Samsung C level management and key decission makers attended UBIKUA

MWC was a great occassion to find new partners within SEAP, such as Signatus, a digital document signing solution.

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Sobre Nosotros

Introducción a CREA Solutions
Crea Solutions es una empresa de Consultoría integral tecnológica, especializada en servicios de Realidad Virtual, Aumentada y Mixta, Geolocalización, Producciones Audiovisuales, formación y soluciones de comunicación digital. Fundada por Francis Ortiz en 1999
Expertos en Transformación Digital
Te acompañamos todo el camino hasta mejorar tu estrategia de innovación y rediseñar tu modelo de negocio, te ayudamos a identificar, implantar y aprovechar herramientas que te permitan crecer, mejorar tus beneficios y la calidad de tus servicios.
Asesoramos y acompañamos
Facilitamos a nuestros clientes el acceso a la Tecnología de una forma cercana y directa, basándonos en la relación personal y en la formación de equipos de trabajo mediante los más avanzados sistemas educativos.
Formamos y Divulgamos
Crea Solutions ofrece diversos cursos especializados, avanzados y de introducción a diversas tecnologías. Colaboramos con Asociaciones Empresariales, Instituciones Públicas, Organizaciones Educativas y Universidades.
Creamos Experiencias inmersivas
Nuestro lema es "La Tecnología no es nada sin Creatividad" Ofrecemos todo tipo de servicios fotográficos profesionales, Trabajos audiovisuales en Video y Realidad Virtual. Somos Fotógrafos autorizados Street View desde 2012